Artist: Then the 'magical' transformation into Mindmistress... Mindmistress: Wait--a skirt? Artist: The idea's nanomachines 'build' the armor, sucking her school uniform within-- Mindmistress: And high heels? Artist: Hey, spikes're weaons, too...Mindmistress: Um. Rationalize much?Artist: *Ahem* Feminine touches?  Mindmistress: Riiiight. No matter how impractical.Artist: Anyway, Bloodlust calls out a huge mecha to battle Mindmistress. Mindmistress: Which he's built...on a teenager's allowance?  I know...rationalize away.

Mindmistress: ...And how do 'I' run in high heels--or should I say--high spikes?  Artist: Uh...anyway, Mindmistress summons her own mecha....actually, I was considering building...nothing half so ugly....Question: ...Have we left a cliche untouched?  Lorelei especially drawn in the wide-eyed Moe style--magical girls (maho shojo) mixed with mecha/robots...mixing mid-seventies' manga stereotypes!  Manga's so diverse... Artist: ...Consider...

...You've come to me with a story of a truly innocent handicapped girl...who 'miraculously' changes into a more hoeric, ultra-efficient personality....using technologically-advanced armor and wepaons. So....Artist: ...If you were portraying it...graphically...what genres do your 'story' embrace? Some valid objections...but your story practically is several manga cliches.  Mindmistress: Um. Point.  Artist: Now...about possible dojinshi, even ecchi... Mindmistress: Uh oh.




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